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Asterion 2021

Asterion is a medical academic fest like no other. With it’s first edition in 2018, it has only continued to grow bigger and better every year. Asterion is annual collaborative effort of Kasturba Medical College , Manipal’ three student-run academic clubs.


Enigma, an online quiz and puzzle solving game was held. Participants were put into a fictional town, Emerald City, where they had the job of solving the case of a mystery disease spreading throughout the city. This rather brainy quiz asks participants to solve medical-related questions in the form of riddles, requiring the participants to use both their street and book smarts. Finally, the Enigma ended with the Cutting Edge team having an in-depth answer discussion session.

Treasure Hunt

In 2021, Cutting Edge hosted one of the most awaited events, Treasure Hunt, as a part of Asterion 2021. Each clue had a case that had to be diagnosed accurately to get the next clue and so on. Participants had to solve all the 10 clues scattered all over campus to reach their final destination to win the hunt. Participants were extremely enthusiastic as they competed against each other and against the ticking clock.


Electrochirurgia was an interactive online workshop on electrosurgery with Dr. Manjunath Ammembal as the guest lecturer. On 17th October, the third day of Asterion 2021, we organised the workshop. Surgery has advanced significantly and has a lot to it now than just scalpels, scissors, and stitches. Knowing how to use modern electrical instruments skillfully is an integral part of being a surgeon now. 

Before the workshop started, participants were required to fill out an online questionnaire on electrosurgery. After that, Dr. Manjunath continued with the workshop. He presented various electrical instruments and taught about their uses and also the possible complications caused by their misuse. He gave examples from some of his own experiences as a surgeon.

At the end of the workshop, participants attempted another questionnaire on electrosurgery in which they performed better.


Diagknows was the grand quiz of Asterion, spread out through all 3 subjects of the organising pillars of Asterion: Cutting Edge (surgery & related specialties), Justitia (Forensic Medicine) and Tempus Pretioso (Emergency Medicine). 

Diagknows turned out to be a fun and equally mind boggling quiz where participants gave their best to win the final prize!

The Preliminary Round was an initial playground where participants had to solve questions in various question formats, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, etc, to qualify for the next round.

The Semi Final Round was an exciting one, where all the participants were given a number of cases from all fields to solve against a ticking clock. The answers paved the way for a Common Connect which led to extra points. 

The Final Round came with Three Gems of Cases. Participants had to solve the cases and bring up the common connect in order to  gain extra points for the Final Connect, which comprised a single phrase with all 3 specialties intermingled in a spatial way, the winners who solved them were winners of the realm!