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Chirurgia 2015

The event kick-started with the lighting of lamp by Dr. A. S. D’Souza (Associate Dean, Dept. of Anatomy), Dr. Sampath Kumar (Dept. of Surgery), Dr. S. S. Prasad (Dept. of Surgery), Dr. Vivek Pandey (Dept. of Orthopedics), Dr. Muralidhar Varma (Dept. of Medicine) and Dr. Kirthinath Ballal (Dept. of Community Medicine). This was followed by short addresses from Dr. Sampath Kumar (President of Advisory Board), Dr. A. S. D’Souza, Nidhi Gyanchandani, Shubhendu Kulshreshtha, Talha Ahmed, Pranav Mishra, Saloni Sinha and Khushboo Agarwal.

The second event of the day was the panel discussion: “Surgical Skills: Are We Being Trained Enough?” moderated by Dr. Sampath Kumar (Dept. of Surgery). Panelists included Dr. S. S. Prasad (Dept. of Surgery), Dr. Girish Menon (Dept. of Neurosurgery), Dr. Vivek Pandey (Dept. of Orthopedics), Dr. Muralidhar Varma (Dept. of Medicine), Dr. Kirthinath Ballal (Dept. of Community Medicine) and Dr. Krishnapriya Balanarayanan (intern). The discussion was informative and entertaining at the same time with witty comments being made throughout. Arguments were made for and against the topic and views from a professor of Medicine and an intern proved valuable

The final event for the day was the treasure hunt. Approximately 20 teams participated with much
enthusiasm. Surgery-based clues were scattered within the campus with the final clue being an anagram that had to be cracked to win.

Exciting cash prizes were won:
1st place: Tirth, Harini, Mahreen (7th semester)
2nd place: Priyanka, Jayti, Abhivyakti (3rd semester)
3rd place: Swamy, Harish, Aakash (3rd semester

Chirurgia day 2 – 11th of September 2015

Suturing marathon prelims started off with much zest with around 15 participants. Round 1 required the participants to make simple interrupted sutures on an incision made on gelatin pads. Participants that advanced to round 2 were made to close a spiraling incision on an orange peel using simple continuous sutures to obtain a dome. 4 of the participants progressed to round 3, where they were asked to make alternating vertical and horizontal mattress sutures on a banana peel. Contestants were judged on time taken, precision, accuracy and the technique.

The next event for the day was the tracheostomy workshop, which was open to students of 7th semester and above, members and non-members. Groups were led by Dr. Abhinav Keshwani, Nidhi Gyanchandani, Saloni Sinha, Talha Ahmed, Deeptanshu Jain and Priyanka Tandon. A brief introduction to the anatomy of trachea, indications of the procedure, types, pre-operative preparation, instruments used and complications was given before the procedure was shown and explained. Special thanks to Dr. Balakrishnan R. (Head of Department of ENT) and Dr. Shalini S. (Assistant Professor, Dept. of ENT) for guiding us throughout the organization of this workshop.

The last event of Chirurgia 2015 was the suturing marathon finals, which was judged by Dr. and Dr. (Post-graduate students, Dept. of Surgery). The finalists had to use 2 vertical mattress sutures to approximate 2 halves of a grape and then use a surgeon’s knot to secure it to the base (outside) of a paper cup, with the knot being on the inside of the cup.

Winners of the event were:
1st place: Anwaya Dilip, 5th semester (second-time winner)
2nd place: Sana Parveen, 7th semester
3rd place: Dhaval Gupta, 3rd semester
With that, we conclude Chirurgia 2015. Hope you had tons of fun!