HISTORY OF ENT (Popular names in ENT)

Article by: Bhavya, Nitya and Yatra

Design by: Manan

George Washington Crile

  • Crile specialised in the operation of Morbus basedow (Grave’s disease).
  • He researched on causes of spontaneous and operative basedow death.
  • He was the first person to describe radical neck dissection for laryngeal and other neck cancers.
  • It involved the removal of all neck nodes along with SCM, IJV and Accessory nerve.
  • This increased the survival of the patient but quality of life was poor (due to shoulder dysfunction).
George Washington Crile

Adam Politzer

  • Politzer known as the Father of History of ENT.
  • He developed Politzerisation – air is blown up nose during swallowing, to inflate the middle ear. This reopens the Eustachian tube and helps maintain equal pressure in all the sinuses.
  • Politzer used a pear shaped rubber air bag called Politzer bag to achieve this.
Adam Politzer
Politzer Bag

Wilhelm Meyer

  • Meyer was the first to describe nasal obstruction, mouth breathing, snoring and hearing loss due to adenoid hypertrophy.
  • He suggested removal of adenoids using an adenotome as the treatment option.
Wilhelm Meyer

Ephraim Fletcher Ingals

  • Septoplasty was first described by Cottle.
  • Ingals is the Father of modern septoplasty.
  • He developed the Window Resection technique for septoplasty.
  • This involved removal of the deviated portions of septal cartilage all at once with bilateral preservation of mucosal flaps.
  • Ingals also modified and invented instruments for bronchoscopy.
Ephraim Fletcher Ingals

Theodor Billroth

  • Theodor Billroth performed the first laryngectomy.
  • He also performed the first successful resection of antral carcinoma.
  • Billroth also performed the first esophagectomy.
Theodor Billroth

Robert Barany

  • Barany won a Nobel Prize for his work on the Inner Ear and Vestibular Apparatus.
  • His research on vertigo and nystagmus made surgical treatment of vestibular organ possible.
  • Barany also investigated other aspects of equilibrium control including function of cerebellum.
  • He was the first to describe Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo.
Robert Barany