Mahisha Virdiana
President“Hold the vision, trust the process.”
Hello, world! I am Mahisha, this year’s Cutting Edge President.
For the past two terms, I’ve seen Cutting Edge grow and become more beautiful, diversifying to the best of its abilities despite being a club that serves niche interests. It’s only been possible thanks to the leadership and teamwork of every individual that the club has been fortunate to house.
We’ve stood the test of time and expanded over platforms, staying in the hearts of medical students as a Student Surgical Society that hosts enriching workshops and stimulating events. I cannot express how excited I am to be here at the helm, working with the people I have around me today, and continuing the legacy of our founding members from the first committee in 2012.
My wonderful team of bright, talented, driven humans are of the same vision, and we’re here to trust the process. I’m ready to be amazed by another year of Cutting Edge’s exponential development, are you?

Akshata Ammembal
Vice-presidentHellu guys!
I’m Akshata, and I’ll be serving as the vice-president of Cutting Edge, 2021.
As Vice-president, it’s my duty and dream to see Cutting Edge break boundaries and achieve even greater heights than it has already done as the first student run surgical society of India.
I’m really excited to be part of this year’s team too, and I can say it will be a pleasure to work together and spread the love for surgery.

Sreya Manoj
General SecretaryHello everyone,
I am Sreya Manoj, the General Secretary for Cutting Edge 2021.
Cutting edge is constantly striving to bring the knowledge of basic surgical skills to more undergraduate students, to create an environment where like – minded individuals can explore their interests in the subject and also design more creative and innovative ways to explore the science of surgery. This year we hope to bring more exciting workshops and activities to all our members.
They say that surgery is best learned through practical methods and hands- on experiences. We hope you join us in this endeavour.
Free feel to contact me regarding any queries.

Sumedha Madhivanan
TreasurerHey! I’m Sumedha Madhivanan .
I’m continuing as the Treasurer in my second year in Cutting Edge and this comes on top of a year that was full of unique learnings and collaborative work along with the committee members .
2020 continues to be a very challenging year and all of us at Cutting Edge look forward to continue to build opportunities for you all to learn and to experience the various facets of our Student surgical society and the surgical field both in remote as well as campus activities!
Here’s to us growing together .

Saisreeram Kandula
Education and Skills Representative (Head)I’m Saisreeram Kandula, the Head Education and Skills Representative for the year.
As an ESR, I’ll be getting an amazing opportunity to teach you all some surgery skills that are really important foundation stones for any surgeon.
You can approach me any time for queries or suggestions.

Farah Khan
Education and Skills RepresentativeCiao!
My name is Farah Khan and I will be one of the Education and Skills Representative for Cutting Edge 2020. As an ESR, we will be handling and organizing the surgical skill workshops and I am really looking forward to be passing on these skills to all the attendees.
Feel free to contact regarding any queries.

Utkarsh Agrawal
WebmasterHi Everyone !
I’m Utkarsh Agrawal , Webmaster at Cutting Edge for 2021.
It’s my very first year at Cutting Edge and I am super pumped and thrilled for this amazing experience. As, webmaster it’s me who handles all things related to website and it’s back-end.
You are free to give me suggestions and ask your doubts to us.
‘Let’s make a Cut to Cure’

Abhishek Chauhan
Social Media Team (PR Head)Hey There!
I’m Abhishek Chauhan, I’ll be serving as PR Head, for the Committee 2021. It is my 4th year in CE, and it’s been an amazing experience every single day.
My job will be to keep you all updated with our upcoming workshops, lectures, quizzes and other events via different platforms on social media.
Feel free to contact if any queries!

Rhea Chandwani
Social Media Team (Content Head)Heyya!
We at Cutting Edge understand the importance of social media in today’s world. We start and end our day with it.
CE strives to make its content informative and exciting for our readers. We use our platform to make our daily struggle as medical students, a little more fun.
We all hope to one day say the words, ‘Scalpel, please.’
Tune it to see what we have in store for you this year ❤️
~Rhea Chandwani

Raj Parag Gohil
Social Media TeamHey there!
My name is Raj Parag Gohil and I am a part of the Publicity Team at Cutting Edge Manipal.
It is my duty to bring to you all the information and updates about our enthralling events for the coming year.
I feel immensely privileged to be working with a fantastic team yet again. This would be my 2nd year serving in the committee and I very much feel like a sapling, which upon the right exposure to sunlight and water has now grown it’s roots deeper.
Evidently, the past year has left me all the more eager and excited to contribute!

Adish Joshi
International RepresentativeHey guys,
I am Adish Joshi, an International Representative at Cutting Edge, Manipal. As the International Representative, I am responsible for interacting and forming partnerships with various professional organizations, NGOs and companies which are involved in the field of Surgery. By doing so, we help bring in breadth of experiences, leading practices and latest equipment & tools that are showcased in the workshops and events organized by Cutting Edge.
I joined Cutting Edge in hopes of learning about the more about the field of surgery. I found it to be not only that but more, a group of hardworking, motivated, and caring people who do their utmost to make one feel included. So, it feels like being part of another family away from home!
I am very approachable. So feel free to ask me anything regarding Cutting Edge and I hope to see you guys at our various workshops and events!

Shashank Tomer
Design Team (Head) “Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” – Thomas Merton
Hey everyone!
I’m Shashank Tomer, the Design Head of Cutting Edge 2021. This is my second year in this committee and I’m extremely excited to be here.
I’ll be designing posters, illustrations and social media graphics and also learning important and interesting clinical skills and teaching them to you as well. Feel free to contact me for any queries or questions that you may have.

Yatra Vasa
Design TeamWith a scalpel in your hand you feel unstoppable. There’s no fear, there’s no pain. You’re ten feet tall and bullet proof. Hello! My name is Yatra Nayan Vasa and I am part of Design Team for this year. It is my second year being in this academic club yet the people in this club already feel like family. I am very new to these skills but I look forward to learning them and spreading that knowledge through interactive workshops, CMEs and lectures. The most important class you can take is technique. One has to learn the process; learn it through endless repetition until it belongs to you, and this is what Cutting Edge brings to you. I look forward to creating new memories, and learning. The carousel never stops turning.

Design TeamHello everyone!
This is Swarupa, I will be the part of Design Team for the year 2020-21.
This is my second year in the committee and I can’t be more thrilled to be working for the committee.
We will always strive to bring forth extremely helpful and at the same time exciting workshops.

Manan Chawda
Design TeamMy hands will be holding a blade, splattered with blood , but my mind will be on a high, content upon having saved a life!
Hello everyone , I’m Manan Chawda and I am a part of the Publicity and Web Representatives team of Cutting Edge Manipal. This is my first year at Cutting Edge and I am psyched to work alongside the brilliant team here who already feel nothing less than a family. Surgery is a form of art , to be learnt and to be taught ; a dynamic practice which requires constant effort to be mastered. I am looking forward to seeing ya’ll at our workshops and events where we have loads of fun and lay the foundations of becoming competent and confident surgeons !

Saara Dabral
4th year Batch RepresentativeHey guys this is Saara.
I will be serving as the fourth year batch rep for the CE2021. This is my fourth year in the committee and at this point it feels like family .
This is the team that helped me find my footing in college and taught me lot of of what I know. I am hoping to be able to use this year to bring the magic of surgery to my batchmates and my juniors.
So feel free to reach out if you want to know more about our committee, workshops and what we do.

Vartika Singh
3rd year Batch RepresentativeHey everyone
I am Vartika Singh and I am the 3rd year batch representative for cutting edge in 2021
Being my first year in cutting edge I’m truly excited to be a part of such an amazing committee and my goal is to not only teach but learn as much as I can through this experience
As a batch representative it would be my job to inform you all about the various workshops, talks or quizzes that we hold and guide you through the entire process
Feel free to contact me in case you have any doubts!

Aayushi Jain
2nd year Batch RepresentativeHey everyone! My name is Aayushi and I’ll be the second year batch representative for the upcoming year. I’m really excited to be working with a team of extremely talented and hardworking individuals, and I hope this year will be a successful year for Cutting Edge as well as all its members and representatives!
“Believe you can, and you’re halfway there” -Theodore Roosevelt
I believe that everyone is extremely gifted, and you should never undermine yourself, no matter what. So seize every opportunity that comes your way, and I, as a representative of Cutting Edge, will try my best to ensure that many such opportunities come your way:)
Hoping to see y’all at our events!

Vedant Datta
1st year Batch Representative“The pain of failure had led me to understand that technical excellence was a moral requirement, when so much depended on my skills. When the difference between tragedy and triumph was defined by one or two millimeters.”
-Paul Kalanithi, When Breath Becomes Air
Hello Everyone! I’m Vedant Datta, first year Batch representative of Cutting Edge for the current year 2021. I consider myself really fortunate to work with the extremely hardworking and committed team of Cutting Edge.
As the batch representative it is my responsibility to bring every possible oppourtunity & information regarding talks, articles or events being organised by Cutting Edge to all my batchmates and help inculcate the knowledge of surgery in them. Hope to see you all at our events!