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The Knots & PV , PR and Breast Examination Workshop

The 29th of March, 2022 saw Cutting Edge, the Surgical Club of KMC Manipal conducted the first offline workshop of this term – the ‘Knots Workshop’. The workshop took place in Interact across two halls and saw a huge turnout – almost a hundred participants!

The workshop started with Manan Chawda, President of Cutting Edge for the term, introducing the club to new students and welcoming the participants. He went on to talk about the importance of surgical knots and why it was essential for every budding surgeon to know various techniques for the same. In this event, participants were taught two types of surgical knots – Reef knots and Surgeon’s knots.

They were divided into two groups and then taught the procedures and applications of the knots. Students were encouraged to practice the knots alongside the instructor using their own shoelaces. At the end, the President once again took the stage, to remind attendees that there was much more to look forward to throughout the year.

On the 30th of March 2022, Cutting Edge conducted the second of their offline events, a workshop on per vaginal, per rectal and breast examination. The workshop commenced with Manan Chawda, the President briefly addressing the attendees. He welcomed Dr Zehra Siddiqui, former President of CE, who moderated a clinically oriented discussion detailing the importance and correct procedure of a routine breast examination. This was followed by an interactive seminar conducted by Dr Anoush Sardesai Sadat, who explained the process of PR and PV examination.

Attendees were then divided into groups and asked to gather around stations where members of the club demonstrated the procedure on mannequins. Participants could also practice the steps for themselves. The workshop ended with a quiz on the topics covered in the workshop, with the top three participants receiving a prize.

All in all, the event was a grand success, marking a glorious start to Cutting Edge’s activities this year.

Cutting Edge- The Knots Workshop

Written by Maha Padala  for MTTN

Edited by Shivangi Acharya for MTTN

Photography by Shreya Gantayet, Kavya Raghavendra and Aditi Ray for MTTN

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