Throwback Thursday: Dr. Nithesh Prabhu

Content Credits: Bhavya Jain, Barkha Boral

Design Credits: Aarushi Tripathi, Bhavya Jain

Webpost Credits: Ishanvi Baranwal

  1. As a young student, what inspired you to choose MBBS and later go onto special in the field of OBGYN?

Well, being born and brought up in Manipal, I have always been influenced by this educational institute KMC and Medicine has always been inspiring.

There definitely are days where you question your decisions especially at the end of long night shifts or a day before examinations, but in the Operating Room when you successfully operate a case or look at the smiling faces of mothers holding their newborns for the first time or patients getting discharged makes it all worth it.

2. What advice do you have for someone currently in medical school considering a career in Obstetrics and Gynaecology?

Girls and boys alike should consider ObGyn as it’s one of the most rewarding branches in Medicine. The gratitude and blessings we receive from patients is unparalleled. Years into this field, I’m still overwhelmed at every birth and the feeling that one is literally helping bring life to reality is always awe inspiring.

It also helps that it can be financially rewarding. Like the saying goes, ObGyn is one of the few branches which is recession proof.

3. How do you approach building trust and establishing rapport with female patients in a field traditionally dominated by female healthcare professionals?

Always address the patients with respect and be honest in your intentions and conversations. Trust is a two way street and you need to offer yours to gain theirs in return.

4. As an experienced doctor in this field, how do you maintain a healthy work-life balance and what are some of the challenges you faced during this journey?

ObGyn is a branch with a heavy clinical load and it does affect your social and personal life. But I’ve always believed only busy people can make time.

Prioritising personal well-being is important as a mentally happy and healthy doctor is always better prepared to treat patients.

5. How do you think has people’s perception of OBG changed from the beginning of your PG versus now?

I’d like to answer more about my perspective which has changed quite dramatically. I too like anyone else was quite sceptical while I chose this branch. But the past few years have been very enlightening. I’ve come to realise all that this branch has to offer. One develops respect for people and life. One becomes more empathetic and caring as well.

6. What are the most pressing issues of challenges facing women’s healthcare today, in your opinion?

Lack of awareness towards preventable diseases such as Cervical Cancer, lack of access to safe abortions for women and lack of knowledge of contraception and its practice are α challenges to name a few.