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Subcuticular Sutures, Lumbar Puncture and Endotracheal Intubation

On the 25th and 26th of August, Cutting Edge held their final workshop of the term (Workshop no.5) wherein they taught  Subcuticular Suturing on day 1 and Lumbar Puncture and Endotracheal Intubation on Day 2.

The Subcuticular Workshop was held first on Day 1 (25th August) as the ‘Grand Finale’ of all the suturing workshops. Cutting Edge had already taught participants 4 distinct types of sutures, but this workshop was different as participants had to know the prerequisites of these previous workshops. While this particular suture was by far the most difficult one to learn, and many participants struggled with it. But due to the teaching methods of the Cutting Edge Team, the individual attention given to each participant, and the top-class Suturing Kits provided by Cutting Edge; the participants eventually got the hang of this challenging suturing style.

The Endotracheal Intubation and Lumbar Puncture workshops were held the very next day (26th August). In this workshop, the participants were taught the ABCDs of emergency management (literally) and the various procedures, indications, and contraindications of airway management. Along with this essential skill, participants were taught the procedure involving a lumbar puncture and the various indications, contraindications, and importance of this skill.

All the participants left smiling, knowing that the next time someone screamed: “Someone is choking, is there a medical professional here!!?” the participants could be of great assistance.

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