Membership Drive 2024

The Student Surgical Society of KMC, Manipal brings to you

Membership Drive 2024

The perks of being a Cutting Edge member include:

  • Exclusive access to workshops
  • Participate in hands-on surgical simulations
  • Attend talks by renowned surgeons
  • Network with like minded peers
  • Certificates to showcase acquired skills


🗓️ Registrations Close on Monday, 4th March @ 11:00pm

For more details or queries : Please contact your respective Cutting Edge Batch Representative

  • 1st Year: Aditi Abburu
    +91 8618288381
  • 2nd Year: Ashish Aryan
    +91 8700199184
  • 3rd Year: Alisha Chrissel Lobo
    +91 9449613694
  • 4th Year: Sourabh Singh
    +91 9306271594