Cutting Edge presents workshop on Subcuticular Sutures, Lumbar Puncture and Endotracheal Intubation.
Day 1: Subcuticular Sutures
🗓️Date: 25th August
⏰Time: 4 pm onwards
📍Venue: Interact
🛑 Attendees are required to have attended the previous suturing workshop 🛑
Day 2: Lumbar Puncture, Endotracheal Intubation🩺
🗓️Date: 26th August
⏰Time: 4 pm onwards
📍Venue: Clinical Skills Lab
🔖 Registration Fees: Rs. 50/- for both days
📍Eligibility: Cutting Edge Members from 2nd, 3rd and 4th year
All participants will be receiving AFTERNOON CLAIMS ✨
Click on the link below to register!
❓If any doubts regarding the workshop please contact:
Rahul: +91 93124 01327
Jasneet: +91 99714 01966
We can’t wait for you to see this one 🤭