
Welcome to Cutting Edge

About Us.

We are Cutting Edge, a student – run surgical society dedicated to inspiring interest in the field of surgery among medical undergraduates.
We conduct various skill based workshops on the basics of surgery, we organize interactive quizzes and we host talks with successful surgeons around the globe.
Surgery can be a daunting field, requiring practised skill to become a competent surgeon. For every student, we are determined to bring more relevant and resourceful content.
Join us as we explore the science behind the art.

Our Events


Asterion is our annual event where we mark the culmination of year with various discussions, lectures and fun games.


Our Workshops provide opportunity to master your skills on models way before clinicla exposure.


We conduct lectures by best in class surgeons to help you gasp intricacies and implications of various fields.


Chirurgia was our annual surgical fest where we held suturing marathons, lectures and other games to mark the end of the term.


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Latest at Cutting Edge


On the 13 and 14th of March, Cutting Edge organised a skill-packed stimulating workshop called ‘4-0 …

A 10 year old girl was presented to the emergency room with severe lower left quadrant pain.

Article by: Utkarsh Agrawal and Vedant Datta Case Presentation: A new case report details a 10-year-…

A Surgeon Who Wasn’t God In The OR After All

Do you know the difference between a surgeon and God? God doesn’t think he’s a surgeon.  The fo…

Here for you

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Where to find us

42 Boulevard, California, number 23

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